Privacy Policy

Collection and Use of Personal Information

We may, dependent on your involvement, collect the following information from you:

  • Contact information such as name, email address, mailing address and phone number.
  • Billing information such as credit card number and billing address.

We use this information to:

  • Fulfill your donation.
  • Send you a donation confirmation.
  • Send you requested information.
  • Respond to customer service requests and questions.
  • Send you subscribed to emails or mail marketing communications.

How to opt-out

You may choose to stop receiving our marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instruction included in the emails or you can contact Langham Partnership USA.

Your may choose to stop receiving marketing mailings by contacting us here or calling us at 480-595-5117 or writing us at: Langham Partnership, P.O. Box 189, Cave Creek, AZ  85327

Protecting your information

We do not sell any of your information to third parties. We will share your personal information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy policy.

We may provide your personal information to help us with our business activities, such as your address to printing and mailing companies, to mail marketing materials. These companies are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us.

We may also disclose your personal information as required by law such as to comply with a subpoena, when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety, investigate fraud, or to any other third party with your prior consent to do so.

Security of information

The security of your information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the information provided to us, both during transmission and upon receipt. The information received during a donation is stored on an encrypted, secure server managed by a third-party commercial credit card processing institution. If you have any questions about security on our Web site, contact Langham Partnership USA.

Use of Cookies & Google Analytics

The cookie settings on this website are set to “allow cookies” to give you the best browsing experience possible. We may use cookies and other online tools, such as Google Analytics, to keep track of your preferences and collect general usage and statistical information that does not include personal information and helps us to analyze how popular certain sections of the Web site are with visitors.

What happens when I link to another site?

LPUSA does not pass on any personal information to any other site. This Web site contains links to other Web sites, both of Christian NGOs and of other organizations. This privacy policy applies only to the Langham USA site, so you should always be aware when you are logging on to another site and read the privacy statement of any site.

Changing your personal information

To correct, update or delete any personal information, contact Langham Partnership USA.

Changes to this privacy policy

If this privacy policy changes in any way, Langham Partnership USA will place an updated version on this page. Regularly reviewing of this page ensures you are always aware of what information LPUSA collects, how LPUSA uses it and under what circumstances, if any, LPUSA will share it with other parties.

Contact Information

Langham Partnership, P.O. Box 189, Cave Creek, AZ  85327,, 480-595-5117.